
Anti Malware trenner Procedure

Click on the StartUp Tuner entry in the tool menu of Ashampoo Anti-Malware.


Read the information on the start screen of the StartUp Tuner module carefully.All the auto-launch entries found on your computer will be displayed automatically.

Anti Malware su.zoom90 Procedure

Activating and deactivating entries


Each entry has a check box to the left of it, which indicates whether it is currently active. To deactivate an entry just click in the check box to disable it.


IMPORTANT: You must exit and restart Windows® to apply your changes. Deactivating an entry does not terminate the program in your current Windows® session!


Checking an entry’s properties:

Click on the entry and further information about this object is displayed below (s. picture below). . This is very useful for finding out what an entry is for.


Identifying Windows® system entries


Click on the entry and further information about this object is displayed below (s. picture below). If the company name is Microsoft and the Product name is something like “Windows xxx Operating System” then this is almost certainly a Windows® entry that you should not delete.


Anti Malware su2.zoom80 Procedure


Adding new entries


Click on the Add button. A dialog is displayed in which you can select the type of entry you want to add and edit its parameters.


Editing an entry’s command line


Select the entry you want to edit by clicking on it in the list. You can then edit the contents of its command line in the Command Line field below the list.


When you are finished just click on Edit to store the changes. You are prompted if you want to update the command line. For experienced users only – this function requires a good understanding of Windows® and command line syntax!



Important Warning

Anti Malware trenner Procedure


It’s important to understand that some auto-launched programs may be necessary for the proper functioning of your Windows® configuration or applications installed on your system. Always make sure that you know what a program is for before you delete its entry – it’s best to deactivate it first and see if everything is working properly before you remove it permanently. This is particularly important with programs that are part of Windows® itself.
