Hostsfile Checker
The Windows® hosts file is a file which allocates host names and IP addresses. Pests often try to manipulate the file so that the user, for example, is directed to forged online banking pages or antivirus programs can no longer update themselves. If this option is activated, the host file can no longer be changed without being noticed. Any change will be displayed and requires your express consent. |
The hostsfile checker allows an advanced view at the Windows hostfile.
When launching the module, your hostsfile will be displayed and scanned automatically. Should the scan reveal no irregularities, a corresponding result will be displayed below, even displaying your hostsfile’s length (in rows), the listed filters and the listed redirections. The option rescan hostsfile analyses the file and scans for infections again. Choose display hostsfile if you wish to take a look at the otherwise hidden file. Should your hostsfile be infected or otherwise corrupted you can simply choose the option replace hostsfile with original windows file. During this process your hostsfile is being replaced with the original, uncorrupted file.